Friday, 13 January 2012

French Knot

French knot is one of the easiest of all knots. Interestingly, however, it is often hailed as the one of the most difficult-to-handle or difficult-to-do stitches. This, so much so, that learners often end up hating to do this stitch. I personally feel it is one of the most creatively use-able stitches once learnt, and not much of a deal.
This stitch is used as a motiff stitch to do little flowers, or as a filling stitch to fill in small circles and centre of flowers. Many closely done french knots can give a ‘woolly’ appearance and can be used creatively. You use both hands to do this stitch, so I would advise you read the instructions also to understand the illustrations. :)
 french_knot_1 french_knot_2
Fig 1: Bring the needle out through A.  Fig 2: Now, place the needle close to the fabric. Wrap the thread around it twice, as shown.
french_knot_3 french_knot_4
Fig 3: Keep the longer end of the thread pulled with your fingers while putting the needle back in a point just close to A or even through A. 
This is probably what you have to master. The trick is: if you are holding the needle with your right hand fingers, wrap the thread and hold it pulled with your left hand fingers. Vice versa.  This makes it easy to pull back the needle without the risk of pulling out of the wrapped thread, to put it back into the point A. If this seems difficult for you, try this: after wrapping the thread, turn the needle around about 180 degrees and then try to put it in A or near A.
        Fig 4: Pull down the needle through the fabric. You will see your first french knot formed

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